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Multidisciplinary Provider Collaboration and Referrals

Updated: Feb 26

Written by: Sindy Victor, MS, BCBA, LBA

The topic of mental health has become a priority for the autism community and clinicians alike. The diagnosis affects several developmental domains, and commonly has comorbid conditions which makes incorporating the different specializations essential for ethical and effective treatment. This post is an invitation to multidisciplinary providers and professionals who provide support to individuals with autism and related developmental disabilities. Read below to learn about how you can build community with Swarthy Lion Behavioral Health & Wellness LLC.

Multidisciplinary professionals include:

  • Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA & BCBA-D)

  • Psychologists

  • Mental Health Professionals

  • Social Workers

  • Licensed Marriage And Family Therapists (LMFTs)

  • General Education Teachers

  • Special Education Teachers

  • Speech Language Pathologists

  • Occupational Therapists

  • Physical Therapists

  • Paraprofessionals/Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs)

  • Parent Advocates

  • Parents & Legal Guardians etc.

Radical behaviorism says, a behavior is everything an organism does including: thinking, feeling, and speaking. I believe that all these actions should be taken into consideration when creating individualized behavior support plans. Although I am not a mental health professional, evidence suggests that challenges from growing up in a non-autistic world may cause anxiety disorders and depression in individuals with autism (click here to explore autism FAQ). Practically, I am seeking to collaborate with clinical treatment professionals that can motivate our clients to seek better life outcomes. When a client or caregiver is referred to our organization, I will provide guidance within my scope of practice, as well as, make a recommendation for consultation with you, the multidisciplinary professional. Then, we will outline the ethical boundaries of our relationship in a detailed contract prior to identifying best practices for a cohesive service delivery with each of our clients.

Ways a BCBA collaborates with other multidisciplinary professionals:

  1. Provides cohesive/collaborative treatment (ex. ABA therapist supports a child as they work with an SLP)

  2. Collaborate during school team meetings and/or parent advocacy hearings (legal or otherwise)

  3. Coordinate a written plan of care with objective criteria

  4. Collaborate to create instructional content and resources for students and professionals on relevant topics

If you are interested in building a cohesive relationship with Swarthy Lion Behavioral Health & Wellness LLC, please email your Business Name, Provider Information (for our provider referral contact list), location, phone, fax, and email to:

Look forward to growing with you,



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